

A social network for nightlife, with a personalised likeness score for every venue.


YEYA was designed to be a personalised lens through which to discover where you should go out next.

Traditional-style ratings and reviews, are replaced by individually specific likeness scores and succinct venue descriptions.

Any venue has appeal to a given audience, be that niche or mainstream, and the vision for Yeya was to ensure each time you went out you could visit the ideal venue for you and your friends.

Provide the essential information people need to make up their mind for how to spend their next night out, and ensure this decision-making process is as simple and efficient as possible.


Heat Map: shows which venues are lightly simmering, which ones are starting to heat up, and those that are fully lit!

Likeness Map: a personalised map with each venue having a likeness score attached to it as the percentage level of confidence we have that you will like this place. Likeness score are based on global popularity of venue, as well as your past venue ratings, bookmarks and that of your friends.

Bookmarks and Ratings: users can rate places they have already visited, and bookmark places they would like to visit and see their friends ratings and bookmarks.

Search: Users can search for specific cities all around the world to see which places are pumping right now.

Filters: allowing you to just show specific venues based on your personal criteria. These include: Open Now, Venue Type, Heat level, Likeness threshold etc.

UI Design

In line with nightlife, the entire interface is presented in a dark-mode theme. Neon textual gradients highlight the key focal points on screen,.

A ‘traffic light’ colour-code of red, amber and green, is used as a familiar visual hierarchy for the level of personalised percentage recommendation of each venue.

The full-screen map is presented as the interface for venue discovery, as a complement to one of the primary decision-making factors for venue selection — proximity to the user.

The flame icon, and the progressive three levels of heat it comes in (red, orange, blue), represent a playful alternative to the traditional meteorological-style heat map — as a means to quickly determine how busy a given venue is right now, by way of real-time patron attendance.

Brand Identity

The brand needed to be fun, sleek and youthful, with a playful homage to the nightclub aesthetic.

This meant neon glow lighting for lext, thin outline icons to match, all displayed as a vibrant juxtaposition upon the dark theme ‘midnight charcoal’ background.

The brand name itself is a literal exclamation of ecstasy “YEYAAA!” that people already shout when they’re having a good time on a night out.









