

An infinite, online art gallery — Admire the world’s artistic beauty, one piece at a time.


Recreate the intimacy and immersive solitude of wandering through a gallery — online.

View an endless gallery of beautiful pieces, one at a time. No distractions.

Get lost in the infinite wonder of browsing through the world’s most beautiful contemporary art.

The world’s galleries, all in one place.


Zoom: Fullscreen zoom into each piece to discover the intricate details of the artwork. Tilt your phone left or right to intuitively pan across as you inspect the piece. Orientate your phone into a landscape or portrait position to match each piece.

Snapshot: see a simple description and interpretation of each piece. Easily access the relevant information for each art piece, such as artwork Title, artist, price, dimensions, materials, country, originality, framing etc.

Dark Mode: View each art piece in a whole new light.

Favourite: Tap the like (heart) button to add it to your personal collection of Favourites.

Buy: Direct access to the purchase page for each artist on their own website. Support the artist through paying them 100% of the transaction. We don’t take any commission on sales.

UI Design

Extreme minimalism as the user interface maxim. Remove any unnecessary element so as to preserve intimacy and ensure an exclusive focus on immersing oneself within each work of art.

This meant layering components and interactions behind logical and intuitive gestures. Presenting each piece of information in its most succinct and contextually appropriate format.

Each art piece consists of 3 layers. The default layer presents the artwork in its standard viewing format. The zoom-in layer allows for a full-screen consumption experience. And the informational layer provides all the relevant details for each piece in an easily digestible format.

Brand Identity

Sophistication and craftsmanship.

A light greyish-blue tonal background presents the eye with a calming ambient environment from which to consume each piece.

As an amalgamation of the words “Art” and “antique”, the brand name conveys a sense of intrigue and majesty with a subtle French aroma.







