The world’s first Dreamer platform. A place for creating, sharing, and realizing your dreams — your digital bucketlist.


A platform that provides the tools to allow a consumer to become a dreamer — for each user to come in and easily create and share their digital bucketlist.

Select your dreams and state your goals, from a vast array of categories — Travel, Professional, Home, Health and more.

Facilitate the end-to-end dreaming process — From dream inspiration and imagination, to planning and financial management, through to documenting the journey and ultimately achieving the desired outcome.


Create Dreams: Choose a title, photo, description, category, budget and timeframe for your dream, and then share it with your friends and the BUCKiTDREAM community of fellow dreamers.

Dream Feed: A live, collective feed of the BUCKiTDREAM community’s dreams, along with inspirational videos and articles from expert dreamers. Interact with each dream through likes and comments of support.

Bucklists: Categorise your dreams into bucketlists to group together similar dreams, or browse BUCKiTDREAM’s own set of curated bucketlist experiences.

Search: Discover dreams, bucketlists and dreamers to inspire your own dream journey. See what’s trending and filter by dream tags.

Profile: Store all your upcoming and completed dreams and bucketlists in one place, and visit other dreamers profiles to share in the joy of each other’s achievements.

UI Design

The app was structured into 4 key sections by way of navigation bar options: Discover, My Dreams, Notifications, Profile.

Discover was the home screen of the app, and of the Dream feed, which served as the hub of social interactivity amongst community members. Here you could also access the advanced search functionality for exploring community and expert-curated dream content.

My Dreams was the repository for each users dreams — both completed and outstanding. These dreams were displayed as a dynamic lists of cards, or alternatively organised together in their respective bucketlists.

Brand Identity

The brand objective was to inspire and empower people to dare to dream bold and dream big.

This meant a bold, colourful, fun and aspirational aesthetic, best reflected in the brilliant photography and motivational copywriting style.

With Imagery as the focal point, it required taking a paired-back and muted colour approach to the other components of the application, such as buttons and iconography.

The primary purple brand colour was chosen to capture the vibrancy and awe of a starlit night sky, representing the endless opportunities available to us and the wonder that can be found in chasing your dreams.









