Level All


Provide every American family and high school student with the personalized, in-depth support and guidance needed to succeed in high school and beyond.


Level All was founded to provide every student with the personalized, in-depth support and guidance they need to realize their lifelong dreams — to level the playing field for all.

To enable the democratisation of careers counseling resources and services. And in so doing, augment the volume and level of personalisation possible for guidance counselors to offer, and ensure equal educational accessibility to resources and opportunity for personal development, to all students, no matter their background.


College Finder: advanced search and complementary filters to explore colleges with in-depth college profiles available to learn more.

Scholarship Finder: see the scholarships and financial sponsorship opportunities available at each university.

Collections: a suite of inter-related educational content pieces in the form of articles, videos and quizzes.

Projects: a logical grouping of collections — content mapped to achieving specific task-orientated outcomes.

Journeys: a series of projects that are presented as a sequenced set of steps towards achieving large-scale education-related tasks (e.g. applying for college)

Interests: Filters by which users can organise and discover content within similar categories.

UI Design

As a point of difference to the competition, the user interface had to be simple and intuitive, whilst maintaining a sophisticated baseline. Navigating the application, and consuming the vast library of original content, couldn’t feel like homework, but rather take the user on an exciting and fulfilling educational journey.

This meant providing each user with a personalised lens through which to engage with the product. Be that based on the role within the journey (e.g. Student or Parent), or the stage they were at along their journey (e.g. graduation year).

The Level All appplication provides a helping hand along this entire path, and the user interface was designed to offer a simple and calm visual solution to the otherwise chaotic and sometimes overwhelming challenges that can come with choosing a career and completing each step to make it a reality.

Brand Identity

The product needed to cater to a varied set of audiences — from high school students and their parents, to teachers, guidance counselors and school administrators.

This meant carefully weighing and balancing out their differing priorities and to ensure an overall cohesive, yet flexible product experience, that could feel intuitive without becoming saturated by an overabundance of features.

The royal blue primary colour, most evident in its CTA button form factor, served to instill a sense of clarity, consistency and familiarity within the product experience.







