

Flick through movie posters to pick which films you have seen and liked to help choose your next flick to watch.


To reduce the anxiety and fatigue of trying to choose which movie you should watch next, especially within a group environment.

Have people effortlessly and immersively flick through movies, to accumulate a repository of private, user-generated ratings.

Then layer this ratings information into group watch parties (of friends and families), to easily determine which films are on everyone’s collective watchlist.


Rate: Choose one of four options per movie: Seen, Not Seen, Love, Bookmark.

Movie Profile: See a full-screen movie poster, synopsis, trailer, cast, director(s), runtime, release date, audience classification, and genres.

Search: Lookup a particular movie title, or filter by genre, upcoming release, in cinemas and more.

User Profile: A movie poster grid of all the movies you have rated as Seen, Loved or Bookmarked. Choose a movie character as your avatar to personalise your profile.

Groups: create groups with family or friends to then see which movies you all loved and which ones you have collectively bookmarked.

UI Design

The challenge was to create an incredibly minimalist and effective user interface that would allow for the rating of movies to be done in the most efficient manner possible.

This meant streamlining the decision-making process into two separate tracks. Firstly, has the user Seen or Not Seen a given film? If they have seen it, did they like it? If they haven’t seen a movie, do they want to watch it at some point?

Text is used as sparingly as possible, with iconography and bold imagery (movie posters) being the primary focal point.

The interface is dark and fullscreen, to ensure exclusive attention is paid to the movie titles, with only the most essential information being provided.

Brand Identity

A fun, casual brand that exemplifies the relaxed, laid-back nature of watching movies with friends.

Flick as a brand name perfectly personified the product and the ethos of the vision — a super-simple and entertaining app to easily browse through movie titles to help choose what to watch next.

The name itself is indicative of the purpose of the app (movies) and the primary gesture and interaction model (swipe / flick) through titles.









